Closets tend to pile up with unorganized messes. They also become a place to hide things so to speak such as presents, electronic parts, unused tools, ruined clothes that you plan to fix, etc. Eventually, it flows out into the bedroom if it hasn’t already. This means it is time to take actions, whether you do the housekeeping yourself or hire a service like the Maids of Cape Cod in Massachusetts. Regardless of your decision, here’s what needs to be done.
The sweaters, T-shirts as well as other folded clothing need also to be sorted by color. Remove sweaters from the hangers and then fold them. Hangers tend to ruin shape of your sweaters with time.
Keep sweaters on shelves and they should be in manageable stacks. Also use sweater dividers to prevent them appearing like the leaning tower of Pisa. It is even better to keep your sweaters in sweater boxes that have well marked labels.
Items that you use frequently should be kept at an eye level while the items that you rarely use can be kept higher up. Things such as turtlenecks or bathing suits are best kept in labeled boxes as you can rotate these lower or higher in the closet according to the season.
Have any rain boots, snow boots or any outdoor gear moved to the front hall closet. Alternatively you can move them to mudroom if you happen to have one.
Set aside a container. It could be a bin on the shelf or a bowl where you can always put things like receipts, loose change or any other items that can pile in your pocket.
The Maids Cape Cod
(508) 778-8768
45 Plant Rd # 105, Hyannis , MA 02601