Ever have a day when you look around your house and think, “Yeah, that’s not getting cleaned today.” Everyone has had one of those moments, and that’s okay! That’s what maid services are for, after all.
If you want to get a quick clean in without spending a bunch of time on it, though; there are ways to get a room cleaner in five minutes or less—set your timer and test your 5 minute clean!
1. Pick a Room. Focus is important for a five-minute clean. Don’t let yourself get distracted by other rooms that also need work—concentrate on one at a time. You’ll be amazed what that focus can do for you in such a short amount of time.
2. Throw everything away. Okay, not everything, but certainly any trash. Grab a small trash can and walk around the room, picking up every bit of trash you see. This should take less than 3 minutes.
3. Make a pile of things that don’t belong. Look around the room—what doesn’t belong in this room? Put everything that doesn’t belong in its own pile so you can carry it all out and put it where it belongs.
4. Straighten what’s left. The things that do belong in the room should be placed back in their spots and straightened out to look neat.
That’s it! Grab your doesn’t-belong pile and distribute items to their appropriate places. For a standard room, this will take 5 minutes, but even for a really messy room, it’s 10 minutes or less!
If you have a little extra house cleaning time, choose a cabinet or drawer and clean it out, organize a corner, or vacuum for an extra lift.
The Maids Cape Cod
(508) 778-8768
45 Plant Rd # 105, Hyannis , MA 02601