You might be drawn by advertisements that promise amazing results in your house if you'll buy this spray, that bucket, or a special multi-tasking sponge. Unfortunately, all of these tools and materials aren't necessary to get your house maid-service clean.
In fact, you can save a lot of money in cleaning products with just a little bit of planning. Check out these tips from MommyKat and Kids:
It might sound like a science experiment, but the truth is you can make cleaners that will function for almost every job from inexpensive, everyday items. Next time you need to clean, try these:
All-Purpose Cleaner. To make your own all-purpose, multi-surface cleaning solution, mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. If you're worried about the smell of vinegar, you can offset it by adding a few drops of essential oil. Even if you don't add the oil, though; once the vinegar dries it will leave only fresh air behind!
Heavy-Duty Paste. Stubborn stains, stuck on food, grime that just won't come lose requires something a little more concentrated, but you can get that easily by making a paste of baking soda and water. Apply it to the mess and let it sit before wiping it clean. It's amazing what a little innovation can do.
Skip the paper towels and go for reusable rags, microfiber cloths, or even old t-shirts to serve as your scrubbing tools. Need small trash bags for your bedroom garbage cans? Use small plastic grocery bags.
You can also give a grocery bag to your school-aged son or daughter and ask them to walk around the house collecting trash. Praise them for filling the bag.
Cleaning products cost the most when you have a huge mess to clean, so the most effective way to save money on cleaning is to keep the house clean so that no cleaning project becomes too big. This way, you're using and cleaning just a little bit at a time—anytime you see a mess, clean it up, and that will save you money (and effort!) in the long run.
The Maids Cape Cod
(508) 778-8768
45 Plant Rd # 105, Hyannis , MA 02601