If you plan on going through your winter and spring clothes to make the transition, you'll probably have some to throw away. Instead of trashing the clothes you don't want anymore, put them in a large garbage box or bag and take them to charities.
Salvation Army & Goodwill both are looking for a lot of donations this spring. One Salvation Army spokesman said that he'd like to see bags “busting at the seams” so they can boost their inventory.
When you donate a piece of clothing, it's placed in a store and then sold. All proceeds from those sales goes back into programs that help those in the community who need a hand.
When you donate a shirt, it gets sold. The money from the selling of your shirt goes back into one of the charities programs and is then used to provide food, water, counseling, or whatever that particular program requires.
Ah, but getting rid of things is the hard part, isn't it? You aren't alone if you struggle with it, but there are ways to combat it. When you're looking at your clothes as you work through, ask yourself these questions:
When you answer those questions, you'll find out a lot more about your reasons for keeping things than you realize!
The Maids Cape Cod
(508) 778-8768
45 Plant Rd # 105, Hyannis , MA 02601