Finding the right tone of light in any room of your home can be an adventure. In some cases, you need a lot of light to see in detail. In other cases, minimal light is just fine for any task in that area or room.
This helps save the homeowner money in electrical use. It all just depends on what you need and what you want for your home. Nonetheless, most activities require lighting in the dark when the sun sets. House cleaning, computer typing, note taking all need light at night. So does many other everyday living tasks.
No matter what kind of light bulb you had to have in your lighting fixture, there was an easy selection to match. 60-watt bulbs have been used the most over the years and lighting companies have mass produced them for a long time. However, the usage of watts really adds up and your electric bill reflects that.
Conveniently, L.E.D. bulbs and fluorescent lighting have evolved to replace those incandescents. This is a great way to save on your electric bill by using energy efficient lighting.
Are you pondering the decision to replace the incandescent bulbs? That would be a wise decision.
Fluorescent bulbs may cost more money up front to purchase, but the savings outweigh the cost significantly. They use 1/3 of the wattage that an incandescent bulb does and they last for years. In addition, you can pick from several color options like you can for the incandescent bulbs, such as a daylight bulb. Choose from other color tones like bright white and cool white too. The descriptions can vary from one manufacturer to the next, but many are the same or very similar.
Choosing to run L.E.D. lamps will also save money on energy use. They actually use very little amounts of energy too and also last for years. There are many options with L.E.D. bulbs, but light levels are still evolving.
The Maids Cape Cod
(508) 778-8768
45 Plant Rd # 105, Hyannis , MA 02601